
Clothes can reveal or cover. We take clothing off during intimate moments or dress to envelop what we wish to remain secret. Clothes, worn directly against the skin, are personal items—not often shared. Clothes can be metonyms for a body or an individual—revealing scent, form, and personal taste. Choosing an item of clothing can be an important mode of self expression and an affirmation of identity. 

Clothes are the moveable chambers we inhabit. My series, Chambers, explores the multifaceted emotions conjured by clothes separated from their wearer. Using my own clothing, I create self portraits in which I am absent and my clothes exist without me. Without is a word which is both locational and emotional. Without means to be physically outside of—clothing is worn outside or on top of the body. Without also connotes lack, absence, and yearning. In Chambers, dresses long to be full-filled.